
Birthdays and Beacons

First of all, a great big Happy 60th Birthday to my father, kicking off Birthday Season in grand tradition. Diamond Jubilee got nuthin' on us!

And to celebrate both my father's retirement and the long-awaited end of the Spring semester, I want to share our summer anthem, courtesy of They Might Be Giants. Fair warning: it does actually get stuck in your head a bit.

Now let's see: I promised some beacons of excellence in academic writing, didn't I? Let it never be said that I don't deliver the goods! But no suggestions from you all? My faithful and most delightful readers? Have you really not once read something well-written and enjoyable for a class or research? Sounds like someone ought to go have a little chat with your professors, for this simply will not stand.

Well, I suppose that means you'll be all the more pleased with me for rounding these up for you.

In no particular order:
  • Douglas Robinson, on translation practice and theory. His work can mostly be found on his academia.edu profile. Bless him and whoever taught him how to share.
  • Donna Haraway, on feminist theory and the history of science. You can download a PDF of her article "Situated Knowledges" here.
  • Borges, though perhaps better known for his fiction, nevertheless is an excellent writer of non-fiction. His 'Selected Non-Fiction' used to be available on library.nu (sadly shut down), but perhaps the more industrious of you have found an alternative. Any news on the book-sharing front would be much appreciated.
  • Anne Fadiman, while not strictly an "academic writer," is the reigning queen of creative non-fiction. Her personal essays are clear, engaging, beautifully written, and incredibly informative. Makes for a great palate cleanser. You can listen to her reading an excerpt from one of her essays here.
I hope that will hold you for now, and if anyone has anyone to add to our list of Those Deserving of Praise and Admiration, please do share the wealth!

Happy Sunday, y'all.
Tune in next week for some tips and suggestions as we start the search for our perfect graduate program. Who said summer was for beaches? I'll be courting myopia, not melanoma...

If you just can't wait, here is an article by yours truly on how to get and stay in the academic loop (and thereby never miss yet another freaking deadline).


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