Holy Moly, do we ever live in one giant-but-not-so-giant-as-you-might-think closed system! Warm and dry thoughts for all of my east coast friends and family. You guys are throwing a great party over there. Yikes.
Istanbul, in a weak show of solidarity, is balmy as can be.
I'd like to wish those of you with a working internet connection a very happy Halloween. May you sustain nary a chiding belly ache.
[Audience looks around] "What just happened?" "There must be some context we're missing." |
Graduate Applications (based on the late December/early January humanities deadline):
- At this point, duh, have your list sorted and professors contacted -
- and your writing sample done (or at least have a completed first draft under the eyes of a trusted editor friend).
- If schools want official transcripts, order them. The bureaucracy around these things is such that it can take anywhere from 2 weeks to over a month to sort out and send off. Generally, though, schools will accept unofficial transcripts (you know, the ones that you've invalidated through mere contact, protracted or otherwise) as a scanned pdf.
- Ditto GRE (and related) scores, if you failed to maintain the sense of existence in time and space necessary to order them after you completed that three-hour migraine...
On November's Bookshelf
- Auerbach's Mimesis
- Borges's Collected Fictions
- G. Lewis's translation of the Dede Korkut stories
- Gabriel Garcia Marquez's Chronicle of a Death Foretold and The Autumn of the Patriarch
- Marshall Berman's All That is Solid Melts into Air
- and Julian Barnes' Flaubert's Parrot
Cheerio, friends.
*For those of you who've had trouble donating to their awesome program, this should help. And! in the kickstarter spirit, I'm offering a super awesome postal surprise to the first 5 people who donate 10 USD+. So come support a worthy cause and administer that solid kick in the pants you know you've dying to lay on me ever since I was a little jerk-hole in middle school! WIN.
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